Oh! Katherine Read online
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“Fucking hell, Kitty Kat.” Outside of the bedroom, he’ll only call my Katherine or something insulting, usually Little Miss something or other. But in the bedroom, I’m Kitty Kat, and it makes me growl deliciously. “You are too fucking good at that. It isn’t fair, it’s too… it’s too…”
I dart my eyes upwards to watch his head loll to one side. I dart out my tongue and flick it everywhere. He likes to be licked, to really be tasted, as I take as much of him as I can without gagging. I know this because we’ve done this too many times. We’ve been in the same position over and over…
I slide my eyes closed and pump my mouth harder, trying to block out any thoughts because they’re unhelpful. However wrong this is, we’re here now, the least I can do is get some pleasure from it.
“Oh, you need to stop that now.” His fingers knot up in my hair. “Unless you want a sticky chin that is.”
From anyone else, that comment would utterly disgust me, I’ve never been one to like any sort of filthy talk, it normally makes me shudder, but with Alistair, somehow it just manages to turn me on more. He really does unhinge me, he takes everything that normally makes me me and sends it spinning wildly into the air.
A drag my lips off him tantalizingly slowly, teasing him for a few more seconds, but he can’t take it for too long. He tucks his hands under my armpits and slams his mouth against mine once more.
“Now,” he growls while reaching into his pocket. “Are you going to put the rubber on, or am I? Seeing Tamara and Logan with the twins has put me off having kids… you know, maybe forever.”
I laugh at his joke and snatch the condom from him. I tear it apart with my teeth and roll it down over his soaking wet erection. As soon as it’s on, he grabs my butt and lifts me up as if I weigh nothing. The muscles in his arms ripple, causing an involuntary moan to come flying out of my mouth.
“Now then, Kitty Kat.” He traces kisses over my cheek and neck. “Let’s make this wedding one to remember.”
With that, he slams his cock into me, his powerful thrust sending my head spinning. I love the sensation of him burying himself into me, it’s really something else, and as each thrust manages to lightly brush past my clit it really isn’t long until the hot pool of bliss in my stomach starts to spread. It creeps through my veins like a gorgeous heat, bringing me to the brink. It’s building, the intensity is getting higher, I call feel myself on the knife edge, any minute now I know I’m going to…
“Oh. Alistair!” I no longer care about being quite for the sake other people. This moment isn’t about them, let them find out. I want to bask in the glory that is everything Alistair, as the orgasm shatters through me, rolls over me, swallows me up. “Oh, fucking hell, that feels so good.”
He grips onto me tightly, giving me an intense stare as he does. I feel something coming from Alistair, something that could be… more, if we wanted it to be, something that could be everything…
But then the hot bliss explodes from him too and the heady rush of passion subsides. As my breathing slows, my heart calms down, and the hot rush fades away, I’m left a very familiar sense of regret and shame.
Those feelings always come afterwards. I always regret caving in to these feelings because they never lead anywhere good. We know this, I don’t know why it doesn’t hit me at the time. I get caught up in the passion and chemistry, I suppose. It goes along with any smarts I have. And I do have smarts. Honest!
“Right,” I practically whisper while I straighten myself back out again, trying to hide what just happened. “I suppose we should be getting back to the wedding. People will be wondering where we are.”
“Wait, Katherine…” Alistair calls, but the intimacy has gone, along with the nickname. I can’t stick around and listen to it.
No, it’s another long night alone for me while I ponder where my life went wrong. How did I end up with him again? Why do I have no self control? I need to stop that. This time it really can’t happen again, I’ll have to make sure of it.
“Wow, mate, you look like you’ve been up all night.” I nudge Logan playfully. “Wedding night, huh?”
“I bet you had more of a ‘wedding night’ than me. The twins were a nightmare, over tired and cranky.”
I wince at that remark, wishing it were true. “Actually, you’ll be surprised to know it was me alone in bed last night.” Not that I wanted it to be. “I told you, I’m turning over a new leaf.”
“Yeah, I know that’s what you said. I just can’t work out why. What changed you?”
I smirk and tap the side of my nose. “A master never tells.”
“Hmm, well I still think it’s a woman, and soon I’m going to work out who.”
I can’t help myself. My eyes immediately dart across the room to where Katherine stands with Tamara. Almost as if she can feel my eyes upon her, she stares right back at me. I smile warmly at her, knowing that as much as I try to deny it even to myself, she really is shifting something inside of me. Maybe I am changing for her. There certainly isn’t any other woman in the world to capture the attention of my usually wondering eye. I kinda want to convey that to her, to tell he that she means more to me than just a hook up, that she’s my Kitty Kat…
But then she drags her eyes away, breaking the contact for us. I don’t miss the small frown before she does. My heart sinks. Why is she being this way? I know she’s controlling but this is something else. It’s more like she doesn’t like me at all. I know we have a major personality clash, but this seems extreme.
“I’m glad we have this brunch though, it’ll be good to catch upon all the gossip. I think we left earlier than everyone else in the hope that we could get the twins to have a good night sleep… obviously that didn’t happen.”
“Nah, everyone left pretty much after you guys did.” Well, everyone but me, but I was sad enough to stick around in the hope that Katherine would come back. She stayed far away from me, hiding in her room.” Sorry to tell you it got dull.” I laugh loudly and fakely. “You’ll probably get more gossip now.”
I follow Logan to the table and take a seat next to him, only realizing my mistake when I look up to see Katherine sat opposite me glaring as if I’m a criminal breaking into he home. All the color drains from her face.
“What the hell are you doing?” he hisses angrily, but quietly so only I can hear. “Why are you sitting there?”
What the hell is her problem? One minute she can screw me, the next she doesn’t want to be anywhere near me? I can understand that she doesn’t want to tell anyone about us but why has she got to be such a bitch?
“It’s a free country,” I shoot back childishly. “And I can sit wherever I want. You don’t control this.”
I know I’m pushing her buttons, confirmed by the color shooting back. Now she’s as red as a tomato and about to explode. I want her to blow up, I’d rather see that sort of emotion from her. It proves she’s human.
“Hey, you two!” Tamara’s sing song voice interrupts us. “What a nice morning, huh?”
Katherine glowers at me and I do her. I’m not going to be all fake and pretend everything is fine, we’re hiding enough as it is. I fold my arms over my chest and lean back with a snort. “Yeah, fucking marvelous.”
“Woah, what climbed up your butt, Al?” Tamara rolls her eyes. “I’m having a nice morning anyway.” She flicks her eyes between me and Katherine, sensing the tension rolling between us. “Are you two arguing again?”
“Nope.” I pop the P. “I’m not arguing, I just want to sit wherever the hell I chose.”
“That wasn’t what I said and you know it.” Katherine flings her arms above her head in frustration.
“Oh no?” I slam my hands down on the table, my eyes flashing with rage. “Sure sounded like it.”
“You always just assume things, you’re never going to change. It’s utterly ridiculous.”
“I’m never going to change? You’re the one being stubborn for ab
solutely no reason.”
“Hey, hey.” Tamara leans in. “Now, I know you two always have to row, it’s like your thing, I suppose, and while I think that you should just jump into bed and get it out of your systems already, Logan said I’m not allowed to suggest that anymore. So, instead of that I’ll just ask you to keep it away from the twins. And my wedding brunch. I know I already asked too much of you by keeping it away from the wedding too, but just a little longer?”
I wait for Katherine to say something, anything, but she doesn’t. She pointedly looks away from me and presses her lips into a thin line, proving that she’s too much of a coward to even answer her friend. Well fine, if she wants to be like this then I will too. I won’t get sucked in by her and her puppy dog eyes again, I won’t keep being wrapped around her finger, this time I will be the one to put an end to it.
“Forget it.” I scrape my chair back. “If Katherine can’t stand to be around me because she’s scared of how I make her feel, then I’ll go. I wouldn’t want to cause any problems now, would I?”
“What does he mean by that?” I hear Tamara ask while I walk away. I don’t stick around for long enough to hear how Katherine responds. I hope she struggles with an answer, because I’m sure struggling with all of it now.
“You’re fucking pussy whipped,” I murmur to myself. “It’s time to get a God damn grip.”
I pace my apartment as temper courses through my veins. I can’t sit still, I can’t be calm, I can’t feel anything but angry. The worst part is I understand why Katherine is being like she is, I don’t have any real right to get mad when I agreed for us not to take things to the next level, but I suppose I can’t control my irrational emotions.
I want to get out, to do something, to take my mind off it all but my usual partner in crime is married now, he no longer lives with me and he has kids so he can’t just come out on a whim. I don’t really want to call any of they guys from the office either because they’re all still very much into their playboy days. I don’t need that.
Knock, knock.
Relief floods me. Someone’s at the door. It’s probably Logan wanting to know where I ran off earlier today. He’s already pretty suspicious about my behavior so today is bound to make it worse. I roll my eyes and stomp towards the door with temper burning and flickering inside of my stomach…
“Oh.” It isn’t Logan. A shock of flame red hair greets me, knocking me from my feet. I feel myself wobble with the surprise. We’re supposed to be done with each other. What now? “What are you doing here?”
“I… I came to say sorry. I know I shouldn’t… I acted badly and I…”
“It doesn’t matter,” I shoot back gruffly. “I know how you feel now.”
“No.” She forces her way inside. “It isn’t that, I just… I freaked out, I…”
“You what, Katherine? You couldn’t even stand to sit near me? Why? What the fuck was that?”
“It wasn’t like that, it was just awkward. In front of everyone. I keep thinking they’ll know.”
Her eyes are destroying me, tearing down my wall. My heart thunders, my breaths are ragged, something is happening. It’s swirling around us both, confusing me. It’s hard to think straight.
“They will know? Who?” I throw my hands up in despair. “And who cares anyway?”
“I… I thought you did.” She cocks her head curiously. “I thought we both did.”
“You can’t just throw me to one side, it’s totally messed up, it doesn’t work like…”
Oh God, I don’t even know how it happens, it barely makes any sense. Once minute we’re just talking and I’m trying to keep my distance, the next thing there are tongues, lips, teeth everywhere. My hands are all over her skin, yanking at the material while she undresses me in a similar manner. As soon as the atmosphere becomes thick enough to cut with a knife, this is what happens, we lose all control.
Longing explodes between us as pure pleasure and desperation flies from her mouth in a groan. She’s become primal, she’s transformed from woman to animal in an instant, unleashing my inner beast. I feed on her skin, sinking my teeth into her flesh as she pierces my skin with her nails.
“Oh, Kitty Kat.” Shit, I’m putty in her hands, she honestly turns my will power to dust. I’ve been so mad at her all day long and she’s immediately turned that on it’s head with her feminine wiles. “Fuck me.”
I walk her backwards until she falls backwards onto my couch. I hook my fingers around the waistband of her trousers and whip them off, taking her little g string with them. Once she’s completely naked, at least from the waist down, I drop to my knees and bury my face into her core. Het wet heat surrounds my nose, my lips, soaking me in her delicious scent.
I become a madman on a mission. I plunge my tongue into her, ravaging her, sending her body flying higher than air. While my tongue circles her clit, her back arches and she rolls her hips, pushing me further onto her. Katherine’s fingers work their way into my hair and she tries to control my movements, but I take back at least some of the power by gripping hold of her butt to make sure she can’t pull away. I know her well. When an orgasm nips at her heels too quickly, she attempts to slow things down and there’s not a chance in hell today.
“Oh, Alistair.” Her eyes roll to the back of her head. “Oh fucking hell, it’s too much…”
She bucks, her heels digging into the couch cushions. Her fingers tug at my hair, showing me just how near she is to the edge. She’s becoming wild and free, just the way I like her. I travel my eyes up her body, focusing on her contorted face as she blossoms and blooms. She’s fucking beautiful, I love the sight of her, it bolts straight down to my steel rod cock.
“Alistair.” The way she always uses my full name is foreplay itself. “Oh God, Alistair.”
She clamps and shudders violently as the orgasm rocks through her body. In this deep raw, vulnerable moment she’s all mine. I love it when she belongs to me. Especially when she cries out my name over and over again.
“Fucking hell.” I pull away sharply once she’s done and grab the nearest condom to me. Thank goodness I’ve always had the sense of mind to keep them within reach. I roll it over my length with trembling fingers and yank her body onto me so she wraps around me. Her walls clamp, the pleasure still racing through her which makes me cry out with desperate need.
She’s everywhere, all over me, taking over me completely. I’m nothing, she can have me, she can have everything as long as she keeps letting me do this with her.
This fucking woman can make me go from zero to a hundred in less than a second.
This fucking woman is going to be the one who kills me.
I’m falling… it’s dangerous… I’m going to end up with a shattered heart…
“Katherine, what is up with you today?” My snarky boss, Arthur, snaps my attention back into the room. “You’ve been in a day dream. Those reports aren’t going to write themselves, you know? I do actually need them today or I wouldn’t have asked for them.” He snorts as if he’s made a joke. “So, can you wake up long enough to do them? I wouldn’t want to disturb you if you have somewhere so much more important to be in your head?”
I dart my eyes around the room, burning up as I feel all eyes upon me. Working in the stock market is such a man’s world, I have had to really struggle to get to where I am, I’ve had to prove myself more than everyone else, and now I’m on the verge of throwing it all away over some man who just isn’t worth it.
“Oh, yes, of course.” I bumble around over my desk like an idiot, as if I’m actually looking for something. I just need to stop feeling all the prickle of eyes upon me. “I’m sorry, I… I was just…”
“Yeah, yeah, we don’t need to know what’s going on inside your brain. We don’t understand how women work in this office anyway and I don’t think it’s time to learn.” The others laugh. “Just get it done.”
I grit my teeth at the sexism. I want to ki
ck off and make a stink about it but the last person who did that ended up leaving because of the mess it made. Maybe that’s why I’m such a control freak because there’s so much I don’t think I have any power over. So, that makes it even weirder that I would put myself in another uncontrollable situation with Alistair. If I’m not careful I truly will end up in love with him, fully in the knowledge that he won’t fall in love himself. He told me as much in the back of that cab just before we hooked up the first time.
“Don’t fall for me,” he warned in between frantic kisses. “I won’t ever fall for you.”
And I’ve held onto those words tightly, knowing that I’m not the only one to hear them. He probably says that as an opening line to all the girls he has sex with, just so he can say ‘I told you not to!’ if they ever do. I vowed to myself that I wouldn’t, I told myself it was just a moment of madness, but I’m still in it.
When I left his apartment this morning I told myself what I always do. That will be the last time, never again. Only this time I’m going to have to mean it. I can’t keep doing this, it’s bad for my health.
“Hey there, Katherine,” Gary’s soft voice calls out to me. “If you need any help, let me know.”
Ah, Gary. The man who’s absolutely perfect for me on paper. He’s no bad boy, he’s sweet and kind, caring with everyone around him. He’s successful too, really good at his job, and he doesn’t act like this is a man’s world. He treats me like I belong to be here. He has good genetics too, he’s very good looking, and he’s got a nice home near his mom’s so he can keep an eye on her. He goes to the gym, but not too much, and plays five a side soccer at the weekends. He’s literally the perfect man for me, what a shame he started here a week after Tamara and Logan had gone on their world wide trip, leaving me knee deep in Alistair.