Oh! Katherine Read online
Page 4
“Alistair!” I call out to him just as it looks like it’s going to go. “Alistair, wait.”
He turns slowly, almost purposefully so, and stares at me. His eyes are blank, he’s shut all of him emotions down now which he does when things get too much. I know this about him now, I know a lot.
“Yes?” he grumbles while stuffing his hands into his pockets. “You come to tell me to leave?”
“No, I…” I point behind me. “I had to say goodbye to Gary. I couldn’t be rude.”
He actually lets out a little smile at that. “You and your perpetual politeness.”
I half expect him to close the gap between us in his usual commanding way but he’s hesitant. Not in the way that Gary was when asking me out, but in a way, which suggests he wants me to put him out of his misery. Either way, he just wants to know. I watch him for a few seconds, idly admiring the way his strong chest rises and falls with each raged breath. I’ve never seen him so open and vulnerable before and I like this raw openness to him.
“So?” I give a half shrug and move a little closer myself. “Where do we go from here?”
“Why are you here?” he demands in a gruff tone. “That’s a good place to start, don’t you think?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” I giggle. “Because I want this…” I point my fingers between us both. “I want you.”
“You do? I mean, you’re sure about this? You’ve really thought it through?”
“I think everything through all the time and it doesn’t get me anywhere.” I touch my chest. “I know how I feel and that’s good enough for me. I don’t want to hide from it anymore, not when it feels so good.”
“We have to make it right this time.” His insistent tone touches me. “I want it to be correct.”
“Is this your way of asking me something?” I raise an eyebrow. “You can just come out and say it, you know.”
I reach up and crawl my fingers up his stomach as I tease him. I can’t help it, it’s nice to be the one in control when it comes to us. It happens so rarely, it buzzes up and down my spine and makes me shiver lightly.
“What do you want me to say?” He rests a hand on my cheek. As our skin sets alight with electricity I know that this is right. However good it could have been with Gary, it’s boring. It’s not like this. I feel completely in control around him and while I like the power, for Alistair I’m willing to give it up. “You’re mine.”
Mmm, those words feel delicious. They felt good when he yelled them at me in the restaurant as well. I belong to him, I do, I am his, it’s been that way ever since we hooked up in that cab. But it isn’t just that way.
“I don’t want you to just say that though.” My thumb runs over his bottom lip. “Because this isn’t just a one way street, is it? I need to hear that you belong to me just as much as I do you.”
“So, you’re admitting that you belong to me?” he replies with a much too pleased smirk.
“Don’t deflect. Tell me what I want to hear. No, tell me what you want to say.”
He dips his head down to kiss me, but before his lips can brush against mine I pull back. I’m not going to kiss him until he says it. If those words can’t come out of his mouth then we’re done here.
“Okay.” His forehead rests against mine and I swim in his gorgeous eyes. “I belong to you.”
Relief flood me, finally we’re in a place where we can admit our feelings. It swims through me and lifts me from my feet, spinning me around wildly. I feel loose and free, happier than I’ve ever been before. This time as his lips search me out I let them find me and he claims me. We claim each other.
His fingers knot up into my hair, I mold my body into his, we blend into just one person. This man strays me ever further away from my well thought out life plan, but I think it might be time to screw that up and toss it in the bin. Screw it, who needs it? I don’t when I have these strong arms wrapped around me waist, keeping me safe. For the first time in my life, I’m prepared to really go with the flow.
“Oh, by the way,” he murmurs as we pull apart. “I think Logan and Tamara already know about us.”
“They do?” My eyes pop wide. “How… oh, I suppose that’s how you ended up here.”
“Yep, it sure is. I didn’t mean it, I just lost it when I found out about your date.”
I giggle at the thought of him losing it over me. I assumed I was in too deep. It’s amazing to learn that I’m not. All the fear, all the guilt that’s been fixing me in place, it all floats away. “Oh wow, what did they say?”
“Not much. I think they’re a bit confused to be honest. But we can explain it later on.”
“What do we do?” I can’t seem to stop touching his face. “Right now, I mean. Where do we go from here?”
He lifts me from the ground making me squeal. He leans me in to him and our heads touch one more. the whole world melts away and it becomes just me and him. Me and my man.
“Home,” she growls while rubbing his nose against mine. “We’re going home.”
Despite the fact that my house is nearer, we go to Alistair’s because we have so many memories there. We turned it into our own little love pad in the six months when our friends were away and I can’t wait to return. This time it’ll be different too because it won’t just be a hook up. It’s going to be real.
“It feels good to finally call you my girlfriend,” Alistair muses. “I never thought it possible, Kitty Kat.”
Finally, my nickname makes it out into the real world, the symbol that this is more. I cling tightly to his neck, burying my face into his neck and inhaling his musky scent. Boyfriend, a name no one has ever been able to call Alistair Chance before. I’m the first, and I very much hope that I’m the last as well.
Alistair doesn’t drop me back down again until we reach his apartment and as soon as we do the kissing starts. Not just kissing, but passionately make love with our mouths. His hot tongue massages mine, it makes my head spin, I fall deeper and deeper into the abyss of emotions, tipping closer towards love.
“Oh, Alistair,” I moan with my head tilted back. “Oh God, that feels so good.”
His lips fall down over my neck, my collar bone, my breast. His needy lips tug and tease as he guides me all the way into the bedroom. My little black dress that I chose so carefully with Tamara in the aim of luring another man completely falls to the ground and leaves me in my white cotton underwear.
“Ah, you didn’t plan to get laid tonight.” He nods happily. “Good.”
“Of course not!” My hands fling onto my hips. “It was a first date, who do you think I am?”
“Oh, I know exactly who you are Kitty Kat.” His eyes bore into me and I know he’s telling the truth. No one knows me as well as he does. “And I want to know you even more, alright.”
He flips me back onto the bed and tugs my panties down. He nudges my thighs further apart and buries his face not my flesh. The pleasure shoots all the way from my core up to my chest, warming up every inch of my body. Usually, when he has his mouth all over me I have my eyes closed, almost like I’m trying to forget who it is making me feel so incredible. But today I prop up onto my elbows and I stare at him. I watch him feeding on me like he’s in a frenzy. And it feels fucking phenomenal.
At the pressure builds deep in the pit of my stomach I reach out to him to pull him up towards me. I want to experience him everywhere. I need to be connected to him in every single way.
“Come here.” I hook my hand around his neck and drag his lips down to kiss me. I can taste myself on his mouth and it causes my back to arch with pleasure. “Oh, Alistair. You are just too…”
“I’m yours now.” He grinds his hard rock erection into me, causing a white hot puddle to spill into my panties. I gasp, I pant, my heart racks hard against my rib cage. “I belong to you.”
I push my hips back to meet him, making him groan as loudly as me. I shift his trousers and boxer down just enough. I don’
t have time to get him as naked as I would like. Then I reach into his pocket to grab the condom that’s always there. From now, this condom will only be for me. I still want him to keep it there because I don’t ever know when the passion is going to get the better of me around Alistair.
I roll the latex down over him, smiling at him the whole time. His eyes dance, emotions flow over his face, this is the most expression I’ve ever seen. I hope that’s because of me, I want to bring that out of him. I want to know that I’m the one person who can make him feel as comfortable as he does me.
I want to be his ‘one’. I don’t know if he’s the sort of man to believe in that sort of thing, but I still want it.
Once it’s on I angle my hips up to him and feel him there. the eagerness intensifies, my need for him grows.
“Don’t tease me,” I beg. “Don’t do this to me. Don’t make me wait any longer.”
We both know that I’m not just talking about right now. I’m talking about the long wait it’s taken us to get to this place. Sometimes it’s been fun, other times it’s been like torture, I’ve smiled, laughed, and cried many a time, but now we’re here it all feels worth it. I would go through it again to have him here. He’s everything.
This isn’t a love story that I ever would have thought would belong to me, but it does now and I’m ready to own it. It seems like the rest of the world already knows anyway, at least, the important people do, so it’s okay.
Alistair pulls his hips back and he thrusts powerfully into me, but it doesn’t feel the same as before. The deep passion is still there, but it’s combined with something softer, kinder, full of love. It feels amazing, it unlocks a
“You…” He strokes my hair and grinds his hips. “My little Kitty Kat. I don’t want to be without you again.”
“You don’t have to be. You won’t be. It’s me and you in this forever now.”
“Forever… a word I never thought I’d like.”
I lose the power to speak any longer, the breath is stripped from my body and I lose myself to the sensations. The nice thing is I don’t have to switch off my brain anymore, I can think at the same time. I can study every single inch of this wonderful man’s face and I can lock it away in my brain to keep.
Three eyes give me an odd look, all of them waiting for me to say something. I will, in a minute, for now I just want to appreciate how strange this is. We’ve never all been sitting here without one of us kicking off before. Usually me, to be fair. But now it’s silent, weirdly so. I don’t know how to take it.
Then Katherine slowly slides her hand across the table to comfort me, and I feel full of love again.
“Okay, I’m just going to say it!” Tamara holds her hands up and surrenders. “This is odd, I can’t hack it.”
“Yeah, I’m going to have to agree with my wife here. I don’t know what to think about this.”
Katherine giggles, causing laughter to burst out of my throat too. “Yeah, it is, isn’t it?”
“So, you need to explain it to us in detail because we can’t figure it out. How did this happen?”
“When did this happen?” Logan pipes back up. “We’re trying to figure out a time line, but it doesn’t fit.”
I dart my eyes towards Katherine and see her cheeks heat up. I love the redness in her cheeks, especially when it matches her hair. My whole body softens at the mere sight of her. She’s turned me into a soppy fuck.
“It happened a long time ago, not long after the amnesia scare.” Tamara gasps audibly and Logan claps his hand to his mouth. “It wasn’t this then, it was just a hook up. We didn’t think it would go anywhere.”
Tamara gives Katherine a stunned look. “How did this happen and you not tell me?”
She shrugs. “I don’t know, you were going through a rough time then, it didn’t seem right. It would have felt like I was trying to steal your thunder or pile more pressure on you or something. It was just sex then.”
“I can not believe it. That’s just too crazy, I can’t ever imagine it. Like, how did that even happen?”
“Do you need a play by play?” I tease. “I could teach you and Logan a thing or two.”
“That won’t be necessary thank you very much.” She rolls her eyes. “I’m just confused. But anyway…”
“So, fast forward and it happened more when you went away. We didn’t even plan to see one another it just kinda happened.” I chuckle at the memory. “We ran intone another and it just kinda… yeah.”
“While we were away? Then what happened? Did it happen a lot while we were away?”
“Yep. A lot.” God that was the best time of my life. At least until now. “But we stopped when you came back.”
“Until our wedding day, right?” Tamara points between us both. “Because you were both acting so weird at the brunch the day after. I knew it when you stormed off. Did you sneak up to Katherine’s room after?”
“Actually…” Should I tell her this? Yeah, screw it. It happened in the cloak room.”
“Oh… my God… Al, you have turned Katherine into something wild! How did that happen?” She shakes her head, bemused. “And when did you realize that you wanted it to be more?”
“Honestly?” I look at Katherine, needing her permission before I speak again. “I realized before you came back from your trip, but we both decided that it’d be easier to keep separate so we didn’t have to get all official and stuff.” I shrug, wondering why we both agreed to that. It seems nuts now. “We wanted it to be simple.”
“Awww, until you realized that Katherine was on a date and you couldn’t hack it anymore.”
It’s embarrassing really, I did lose it then but I suppose that’s because this is the first time it’s ever felt this powerful. I haven’t ever lost my mind over a woman at all. “Yeah, I guess that’s what happened.”
“Oh,” Katherine jumps in. “And in the spirit of being totally honest, it happened once in your house, a couple of days before your wedding. I’ve been feeling guilty about that ever since it happened. Sorry about that.”
“You know what? I’m not even mad. I’m just impressed you kept it to yourself for all this time.”
“Yeah…” Logan glances between us again. “But I’m sad you felt like you had to keep it a secret.”
“Oh, it wasn’t like that, exactly, you know what I’m like with commitment.” I wrap my arm around Katherine. “Or what I was like anyway. Now, I don’t mind it one bit because I get to be with her.”
“This is too much!” Tamara claps her hands together gleefully. “It’s going to work out though, right? It’ll get super awkward if it doesn’t. Although, I suppose it’s been over a year now hasn’t it? Maybe even nearly two.”
“It doesn’t matter how much time it’s been. I know that it’s going to be right. We’re made for each other.”
A concept that I used to sniff at now consumes my brain. I can feel it filling me up and spilling out of me. I used to mock people who blathered on about soul mates and the love of their life. I thought people molded others into ‘the one’ I didn’t think it was possible, but with Katherine, everything feels like it could happen.
Nothing is impossible anymore. Not even love. Who would’ve thought it?
“I love Katherine.” This is the first time I’ve said this, and it shocks the whole table. Katherine looks completely blown away. “I’ve been falling ever since I first laid eyes on her.”
“You had a massive embarrassing argument when you first met! You nearly got us kicked out of a restaurant.”
“I know, but that’s because she’s endless stubborn, she’s irritating with her opinions, she’s obnoxious…”
“Hey!” Katherine yells. “I thought this was a nice moment not a chance to slag me off.”
“Oh, it is. Because I love those things about you. I love everything about you. I would much rather be annoyed by you that speak to anyone else ever. You’re ju
st… you’re amazing, you know that?”
“Oh wow…” Tamara gushes. “I never thought I would get to see this side of you. See!” She nudges Logan in the side. “I told you they were meant to be together. I called it, right from the start.”
“My wife…” He points to her and chuckles. “Always right.”
Katherine leans her head on my shoulder and looks blissfully happy at our friends. “Yeah, well you obviously saw something that we didn’t. I never thought we’d end up here now.”
“Ooh, are you guys going to get married?” Tamara’s eyes widen. “Are you going to have kids? The twins could use some friends, they would love it if you two would have a couple of kids…”
“Who are the kids with now?” I ask on impulse.
“The sitter has them. Oh God, I love that girl. I don’t know how we’d do life without her. If you do ever have kids, I recommend her highly because she’s incredible.”
“Do you think she could have them for a few more hours?”
“If we pay her enough, she’ll have them over night, why?”
I scrape my chair back and smirk. “Because we’re going on a road trip.”
“Road trip?” Katherine narrows her eyes in confusion. “What the hell are you talking about?” She grips tightly onto my hands and stares at me with worry. “Have you gone mad?”
“No, not at all. This is the sanest I’ve ever been. We need to have this road trip.”
“Why? Where are you planning on going? Tamara and Logan can’t leave the kids for too long. Plus, we need to be around on work for Monday morning. Maybe we should do this road trip with a bit more preparation. I don’t know if heading out on a wild goose chase is the wisest thing right now.”
I yank her to me and kiss her. “Oh, it is. We have to do this and it needs to be now. It’s time for you to become my wife. We’re going to Las Vegas to get hitched. How does that sound to you?”